About The Town of Milford
The Town of Milford is located in Otsego County in the central Leatherstocking area of New York State. About 3000 persons live in this rural township which is located about 13 miles south of Cooperstown and about 10 miles east of the City of Oneonta.
The Susquehanna River
The Susquehanna River runs the entire north/south distance of the town. It is a major tributary of the Tidewater Basin.
Our Major Roadways
- St Hwy 28-divides Milford N & S
- St Hwy 166 – starts V/Milford NE to V/Cherry Valley
- St Hwy 7-E & W, intersects ST 28 in south
- I-88-in extreme S, St 28 off of Exit 17
The incorporated Village of Milford lies at the northern end of the township. Hamlet of Colliersville at intersection of St 7 & St 28 Hamlet of Portlandville center of Town on St 28. The township also includes the hamlet of Milford Center on St 28 and Cooperstown Junction on St 7 at CR 35

The Milford Town Hall
The Town Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30p.
The Planning Board meets the 1st Monday of every month at 7p.
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 7p when scheduled.
For the Town Court, see the contact page for times on Tuesday evening. DA night is the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
2859 St Hwy 28, Portlandville, NY
Town Hall Address:
Joe Angelino, Assemblyman for District 121
Joseph Angelino was elected to the New York State Assembly on November 3, 2020. His district is comprised of parts of Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Madison, Otsego and Sullivan counties.
Albany Office
LOB 549
Albany, NY 12248
Fax: 518-455-5864
District Office
1 Kattelville Road Suite 1
Binghamton, NY 13901
Fax: 607-648-6089
Peter Oberacker, Senator for District 51
Senator Peter Oberacker is serving his second term representing the 51st Senate District. First elected in 2020 during a global pandemic, Senator Oberacker is keenly aware of the many critical issues and concerns facing the seven counties he represents.
Albany Office
188 State Street
Legislative Office Building, Room 506
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-3131
District Office
41 South Main Street
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: (607) 432-5524